Upcoming Year 2024

Upcoming Year 2024

In the coming year, Networked will focus on a comprehensive Learning Management System for online courses with progress tracking and certifications. Live webinars will enhance community engagement. Accessibility improvements, including Screen reader and keyboard navigation, will be prioritized. Additionally, we are excited to open our APIs, enabling seamless integration with external platforms, empowering the global developer community to innovate and expand the Networked experience.

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Learning Management System (LMS): Implement a comprehensive LMS within the network, allowing users to create and deliver online courses, track progress, and issue certifications. Include features like lesson scheduling, assessments, and progress tracking.

Integration with E-commerce Platforms: Enable seamless integration with popular e-commerce platforms to facilitate the selling of products and services within the network. Allow for product listings, shopping carts, and secure payment processing.

API and Developer Tools: Provide an API and developer tools to allow third-party developers to create integrations, extensions, and custom applications on top of Networked. Enable users to extend the platform’s functionality to meet their specific needs.

Integration with Webinar Platforms: Enable integration with popular webinar platforms, allowing users to seamlessly host webinars and live events within the network. Include features like registration, live streaming, and post-event recordings.

Accessibility Features: Improve accessibility by implementing features such as screen reader compatibility, alternative text for images, keyboard navigation, and color contrast options. Ensure the platform is inclusive and accessible to users with disabilities.

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